Obligations, having fun or building Fram

Besides all kind of obligations there were also a lot of temptations, like enjoying a holiday in Spain, or sailing with Blind Date or with Gary’s F36, or just having family fun, or …. all responsible for the slow progress lately.

And no Gary, I did not fall for your trap to buy that F27 to play with to  induce a further delay to participate in the regattas with my F39 😉

In the mean time I still manage to do some things on Fram and you can find the latest photo’s by clicking the following links:

– Sterntube, now finished with a nice shaped kevlar laminate
– Mainhull, all kinds of small jobs, like the for now finished wingnet flange

Next update is starting with the outside hull laminate (about 6 months later than planned at first 😦

3 Responses to Obligations, having fun or building Fram

  1. ashlingcat says:

    G’Day Fram.
    Life balance…we can have a little bit of fun and not feel guilty about not building…all pert of the journey.
    Regarding the Kevlar reinforcement. Is this structure going to be “inside” the main hull laminate you are going to do?. The reason I ask is that I was thinking about reinforcing a joint with Carbon and I was educated as to the problem with different reinforcements and their varying properties.in the same structure. Jusat thought I would check with you that this is not an issue.


  2. Fram says:

    Hi Mike, the kevlar is just for extra point resistance and it is used on the outside of the hull in the keel area.

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